
3Сommas Blog
1 min readAug 22, 2019


✨Great news regarding Trading View Custom signals.
The service announced an easy way to create alerts for your trading bots.


Those who have used this feature before can evaluate how quickly signals arrive and how easy it is to create them now.
And those who have not used this feature yet — this is an easy way to try it right now.
(Feature available for paid subscriptions)

📟On 3Commas:
▪️Create new bot;
▪️Select Custom Trading View signals as a deal start condition;
▪️Click create;
▪️Copy bot message.

🔑On Trading View:
▪️Open the full version of the chart on Trading View;
▪️Click “Manage alerts” in the upper right corner;
▪️ In the opened window, check the Webhook URL
and paste https://3commas.io/trade_signal/trading_view
▪️Paste the bot message you’ve copied earlier;
▪️Click Create.

Use all available features of the service for successful and profitable trading!

#trading #3commas #tradingview #crypto #BTC

